You are invited to Eastern Washington Voters’ 2015 annual membership celebration and meeting on Monday, Sept. 21, The Community Building Lobby, 35 W. Main, Spokane.  This event for EWV members, volunteers, and other dedicated progressives. Please bring guests! but confidential information will be shared so only the faithful please!

Come meet the 2015 and 2016 candidates (including Randy Ramos, Shar Litchy, and Joe Pakootas) and hear how your work is about to be showcased in the national political arena. I am of course referring to your unparalleled success at registering voters and using Help The Vote to turn them out.   We have been invited to Washington D.C. to present out work! Please save the date and RSVP.


5:00 PM to 5:30 PM: Meet the candidates, socialize, food and drink.
5:30 PM to 5:45 PM: Introduce candidates (Randy Ramos, Shar Litchy, and Joe Pakootas).
5:45 PM to 7:15 PM: Key note speaker, Joe Pakootas on “Native Americans in Politics” with special comments form Randy Ramos, updates on Eastern Wa. and our national work, and board elections.

FOOD: If you want to volunteer to bring a dish or drink to share, it is much appreciated. However, it is not required.

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