Update 5-12-2015

Data and Methods 5-12-2015 (update with data)


Update 4-29-2015

Data and Methods 4-29-2015


Data and Experimental Design for HTV experiment on the April 28, 2015, Special Election in Spokane County, 4/23/15

The experiment is primarily to the test the effect of including prenotification phone calls in the HTV design to tell people there is an election happening, and they should be watching for their ballot in their mail box at a particular time.  To determine the baseline turnout of those only contactable by answering messages, it is crucial to determine who is only contactable by answering machine.  This will be determined testing for answering machines in the control group through a robo call.  The full experimental design is forthcoming.

Table 1. Representation of the Experimental Design, 4/23/15.

  # Year of data, etc. Answering Machine Test Phase 1 of HTV Phase 2 of HTV Phase 3 of HTV
Control 748   x      
Treatment 1 196 2014   x x x
  158 2013   x x x
  21 2014 felons   x x x
Treatment 2 196 2014     x x
  156 2013     x x
  21 2014 felons     x x



Raw Data for HTV Experiment (zip file) as of 2:01 pm 4/23/15.