Hooray!  Obamacare is hear to stay!

This morning, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare.

The justices, thankfully, did not condemn millions of fellow citizens to lose their coverage.

Now it’s time for our country to put the fights over Obamacare’s implementation behind us and move toward realizing this moral imperative:

Health care is a right.

Let’s make today’s Supreme Court victory the catalyst to finally getting the health care system the American people need and deserve — single-payer Medicare-for-All.

Private, for-profit health insurance is an unconscionable failure.  The U.S. is alone among wealthy nations in failing to realize that universal coverage is the only ethical, effective and efficient way to provide all of its citizens accessible and affordable care.

Every year, we lose $400 billion to corporate profits, administrative inefficiency and inflated costs for tests, procedures and medications. Millions of men, women and children can’t see a doctor when they get sick.

And tens of thousands die. Not because of a medical condition, but because of an insurance condition. That condition is 100 percent curable — if we work together starting now.

Everybody in, nobody out.


Robert Weissman
President, Public Citizen

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